Last news: September 12th 2023 - ARRL MW EME Contest
The second microwave part of the ARRL EME Contest I was QRV mostly on the 6cm band. With the fact that I could replace the TRX with a 3cm band. The replacement was simple and took less than 15 minutes   more…



Frantisek Strihavka

Kuttelwascherova 921

198 00 PRAHA 9




I was born in 1943 in Unhost near Prague, and here I also began the first interested in amateur radio since 1960 in the club station OK1KVA. First, as a listener OK1-636 and since 1962 I own license, first under the call OK1AIB and in 1982 I changed it to OK1CA. Right from the beginning of my amateur radio activities I was interested in VHF and I was lucky that I have 25 years to ride to Snezka, the highest mountain in Bohemia. Here I spent the summer in a beautiful time of tremendous growth in traffic on VHF, the onset of microwave bands and new technology.
I have always considered the peak of activity on VHF EME connection. I was at the first attempt Czech OK1KIR EME in 1975 and heard the first signals over a moon. In 1993, I had the opportunity to occasionally use a 10 m parabolic antenna at the Observatory of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in Panska Ves near Ceska Lipa. And so I make the initial EME QSO 25th November 1993 in 432MHz band and coincidence with OK1KIR. Gradually I built equipment for other bands, so currently I am QRV on EME bands from 432MHz to 10GHz. This site is dedicated to my work just EME, for years I have no other amateur radio activities.

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